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Emily has been highlighted in various media regarding her courage to speak about her personal experiences with postpartum mental health struggles as a mother and her subsequent advocacy.

Huff Post

"It was like I’d turned into a puffer fish or a porcupine. One seemingly small move, comment or sound and — poof! — I’d prickle out and sting those around me with my words or a look. I had developed a negative reflex to everything and anything, and it was all-consuming. It controlled me."

​HuffPost reporter Kelsey Borresen quoted Emily regarding her postpartum anxiety symptoms.

"Woman Warrior"

Evynne Hollens, a Broadway singer and YouTuber with over 46 million views on YouTube, asked Emily to be the "woman warrior" in this song in recognition of her personal story and postpartum activism. This song is part of a beautiful new musical, inspired by miraculous true events. Milagro the Musical is a deeply personal story about motherhood, survival, love, loss and the complexity of family.

Watch here!

People Who Inspire

Vogue-Featured photographer Kenji Shimizu was inspired by Emily Adler Mosqueda and her story and maternal advocacy @postpartum365 and featured her in his personal project.
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